Week 2 - What is Popular Culture?​
John Storey CTPC, Ch. 1
***Our text book has a companion review website that you might find useful in checking your understanding of each chapter***
Linda Holmes. A Few Notes on Pop Culture Writing. NPR
Reviews of Hallmark Christmas Movies
- Cassie Belek for The Washington Post
- Todd VanDerWerff for VOX
- Zachary Jason for Slate

Week 4
What is a text? (hint: everything!)

Academic Integrity
Students with a documented disability who wish to request academic accommodations must contact Disability Services to discuss accommodation requests and eligibility requirements. Once successfully registered, the student also must notify the course instructor that they wish to access accommodations in the course.
Please contact Disability Services, located within the Student Success Center, at Disability_services@slu.edu or 314.977.3484 to schedule an appointment. Confidentiality will be observed in all inquiries. Once approved, information about the student’s eligibility for academic accommodations will be shared with course instructors via email from Disability Services and viewed within Banner via the instructor’s course roster.
**If you don’t have documentation but want to discuss any accessibility concerns, questions, or issues please set up a time to meet with me to discuss how I can help to meet your learning needs and goals. Additionally, if you are ever struggling with the class for any reason, including but not limited to personal crises, mental health struggles, or food/housing insecurity - please let me know. Even if you don't feel comfortable coming to me with specifics, at least let me know if something is going on that is or will affect your ability to keep up with the class. I am more than happy to work with you on a plan for you to keep up with the class and to direct you toward resources that can help.
Student Success Center
In recognition that people learn in a variety of ways and that learning is influenced by multiple factors (e.g., prior experience, study skills, learning disability), resources to support student success are available on campus. The Student Success Center assists students with academic-related services and is located in the Busch Student Center (Suite, 331). Students can visit https://www.slu.edu/life-at-slu/student-success-center/ to learn more about tutoring services, university writing services, disability services, and academic coaching.
For partial list of resources, click here!