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I need help! 
1. I feel nervous about writing assignments. 
Schedule a time to come talk to me or make an appointment with University Writing Services.  Getting feedback benefits all writers! Trained writing consultants can help with any writing, multimedia project, or oral presentation. During one-on-one consultations, you can work on everything from brainstorming and developing ideas to crafting strong sentences and documenting sources. These services do fill up, so please make an appointment! Also, bring your assignment description, and a few goals, to the consultation.
Schedule an appointment with the Writing Services. 
Schedule an appointment with me. 
Additionally, here are some resources to get you started: 

How to write a thesis statement

Writer’s Workshop Writing Tips


Here is a powerpoint that I wrote for a previous class on basic writing do's and don'ts

2. I need help with research and citation. 
Here are some resources to get you started. 

Library Help Page
 Librarians are there to help you! If you are ever in need of assistance finding sources, please stop by and ask them or use the form above. 


Google is great for starting your research journey, but you need to be strategic about it. Research is not just looking up a set of keywords and choosing the first link you find. The following links are helpful for getting the most out of Google and other internet sources: 

Evaluating Internet Sources 

Tips for Google Research 

Tips for Google Scholar Part 1

Tips for Google Scholar Part 2 

How to Cite Social Media Using MLA and APA 

Especially useful when writing about fans and audiences -- how do you cite Tweets? Facebook Posts? Instagram feeds? 

Purdue Online Writing Lab

My favorite resource for checking MLA/Chicago/APA citation styles and for explanations of more general research and citation best practice. 



3. I need an extension/make-up exam.
I will consider granting extensions, but you need to set up a time to meet with me in advance of the deadline. I will not consider extensions e-mailed to me within 48 hours of the deadline unless you have an emergency. 
I accept late work, but will take 10% off of your grade for each day the assignment is late. 



4. I'm struggling with a major school/life/family/work issue.

First, please let me know if that you are struggling. Even if you don't feel comfortable coming to me with specifics, at least let me know if something is going on that is or will affect your ability to keep up with the class. I am more than happy to work with you on a plan for you to keep up with the class and to direct you toward resources that can help. 


Every semester, a student will let me know after grades are due that they were dealing with some major issue during the semester -- once it's too late for me to help. Please let me know when it's still possible for me to offer assistance. 


Second, here is a partial list of services that you have access to on campus and in the area: 

University Counseling Services 
Sexual Assault Support Services

St Louis Food Bank

St Louis Housing Assistance


Students in personal or academic distress and/or who may be specifically experiencing challenges such as securing food or difficulty navigating campus resources, and who believe this may affect their performance in the course, are also encouraged to contact the Dean of Students Office ( or 314-977-9378) for support.


Furthermore, please notify the instructor if you are comfortable in doing so, as this will enable them to assist you with finding the resources you may need.




YOU are great!

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