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Contact me


I love e-mail.


It helps me get to know you all better.


You can use this form or

e-mail me at: 

stephanie.brown (at) slu (dot) edu. 

Message sent! Please give me at least 24 hours to respond.

E-Mail Guidelines

College is about learning to be professional, and that includes learning to send professional e-mails.  Following these guidelines is part of this education: 


1. Include Comm3840 in the subject line

2. Always start your e-mail with an appropriate greeting.

   YES: Dear/Hello Dr. Brown 

   NO: Yo/What's up?/hey

3. Let me know what you need, what you've already done to try to solve the problem, and possible solutions.


For example: If you can't find a reading online, tell me what you've already done to figure it out yourself-- like asked a classmate, asked a librarian etc. If you haven't at least done some legwork, I'm less inclined to help you, especially if your problem can be solved with a simple Google search. 

4. If you have an issue that requires extensive explanation or discussion, please e-mail to set up an office hours meeting. If you want to set up a meeting, offer at least three times that you are available. 


If you don't understand a concept, I am more than happy to discuss it in office hours. In fact, I encourage you to come get help understanding class material. I'm less inclined to try to explain it via several lengthy e-mails.


5. End with a nice send off and a signature 

YOU are great!

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