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Reading Schedule
Research Project


Project Handout



1. As a group, you will put together a public “syllabus” about a pop culture event or artefact. We will look at examples in class like the Lemonade syllabus and the 4:44 syllabus. This aspect of the project is designed to show how pop culture texts are embedded within multiple overlapping histories, cultural contexts, and social issues. In other words, this allows you to see how expansive a single text can be.


2. As individuals, you will write essays drawing on the research you’ve done for your group syllabus. This aspect will allow you to zero in on a very specific aspect of your artifact and to formulate and articulate an argument based on your research.


3. As a group, you will take over teaching for a day. You will assign one to two texts from your syllabus to the class and design a lecture and discussion around those texts. For the final, groups will also provide questions based on their readings



YOU are great!

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