Week 2 - What is Popular Culture?​
John Storey CTPC, Ch. 1
***Our text book has a companion review website that you might find useful in checking your understanding of each chapter***
Linda Holmes. A Few Notes on Pop Culture Writing. NPR
Reviews of Hallmark Christmas Movies
- Cassie Belek for The Washington Post
- Todd VanDerWerff for VOX
- Zachary Jason for Slate

Week 4
What is a text? (hint: everything!)

Reading Schedule
Reading Summaries
For each group of readings, you will bring to class a reading summary, the format of which we will go over in class. These will serve as helpful study guides for tests, help you practice articulating an article’s main argument, give us a jumping off point for class discussion, let me know what you’re confused about so I can focus on those aspects in class, and make sure everyone is doing the reading and prepared to discuss them in class. You can miss up to two summaries without penalty.
We'll go over in detail how to do these in class, but the format is as follows:
1. Use Times New Roman, 12 point font.
2. List all readings: full titles and authors
3. Under each reading, Write 1-3 sentences that summaries the thesis or main argument of the article or chapter. If the reading is a textbook chapter and there isn't one main argument, give a brief overview of the takeaways or main ideas.
4. List the full title of each video/audio text
5. Under each video/audio give a very brief synopsis.
6. At the end, include at least 1 of the following, but you can include more:
-Something you didn't understand or need clarified
- Something that stood out as particularly interesting or significant
- A discussion question for the class to use as a jumping off point
10/10 - Included all readings, followed all directions
5/10 - Completed assignment, but there are missing components
0/10 - Did not complete or is missing most components.