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Week 2 - What is Popular Culture?​
John Storey CTPC, Ch. 1
***Our text book has a companion review website that you might find useful in checking your understanding of each chapter***
Linda Holmes. A Few Notes on Pop Culture Writing. NPR
Reviews of Hallmark Christmas Movies
- Cassie Belek for The Washington Post
- Todd VanDerWerff for VOX
- Zachary Jason for Slate

Week 4
What is a text? (hint: everything!)

Assignments and Late Work
You must complete all assignments to pass the class. You can drop two reading summaries, so I won’t accept them after the due date. For tests, papers, and group work – I deal with extensions on a case-by-case basis and only before deadlines. It is your responsibility to contact me as soon as possible to discuss options for completing the assignment/requirement if an unforeseen crisis occurs.
Emailed assignments will not be accepted unless otherwise indicated. All work should be turned in via hard copy or via Blackboard – depending on the directions.
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